Minden az arcára volt írva: Kamala Harris kiakadt Jimmy Carter temetésén (FOTÓ)
Az egyik fotós elkapta a pillanatot, amint Kamala Harris észreveszi, hogy Obama Donald Trumppal kedélyesen beszélget.
Right-wing bishops aren’t helping the cause of compromise with their incessant charges that the Obama team harbors an anti-Catholic animus.
„Right-wing bishops aren’t helping the cause of compromise with their incessant charges that the Obama team harbors an anti-Catholic animus. This view gained ground when the administration ended a grant to the bishops for a program assisting the victims of human trafficking because it did not provide contraception and abortion referrals. Stopping that funding was a mistake, but the White House has reason to bridle at allegations of anti-Catholicism, given how much it has actually increased financing for many leading Catholic groups.